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WoW Pandora - Servidor Blizzike 10x, Gryphos Liberados, Eventos sempre, Staff Profissional, Servidor Online 2 semanas, Loja de Votos, Novos sistemas, Eventos de rates, Action House com itens !!!
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WoW Pandora - Servidor Blizzike 10x, Gryphos Liberados, Eventos sempre, Staff Profissional, Servidor Online 2 semanas, Loja de Votos, Novos sistemas, Eventos de rates, Action House com itens !!!
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Public server is hosted on a dedicated quadcore ivy bridge box with 100 mbit uplink. Plenty of ram and a shiny set of SSDs. Should be fun! Info: Epoch Chernarus Private Hive
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We are a community driven group of DayZ players and Arma 3 RP players! We are welcome to anyone who wants to join, come talk to us on TS!
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Supernova é um jogo de estratégia espacial multiplayer online baseado em navegador. Milhares de jogadores simultaneamente um contra o outro. Para jogar você só precisa de um navegador. [Idiomas disponíveis no jogo] English/Russian/Portuguese Brasil
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If you like the traditional ogame, then dont miss this opportunitty!!!!
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FREE MMORPG - Full Community Driven - Script & Map Editor, Free Source - Create your Own World! Join the Dev Team! | Friendly Staff | PvP, Clans, Instances, Quests, Events, much more | Stable Dedicated Server | Many New Features | Join Now!
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Starting your life as lowly Package Boy, slowly make your way through the fiery ranks to become the most feared Mafia Don around.
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Thorium-WoW, A Professional Progressive level 255 Fun Realm, unique leveling system, active uptime, friendly staff members, daily content and fixes, transmogrification content & mounts from Cata/Mop/Wod, 12 races incl Worgens & Goblins, Custom instances,
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Dark-Space: Empire ! is a space browser based game, Build your empire, create your alliance, compete against your ennemies and become the emperor of the universe, or stay at the background and play your way !
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Calypso Universe is a web browser based multiplayer game. Your mission is to develop and manage a space empire. We offer a fun multiplayer experience, multiple languages, probabilistic battle system, fast rates and much more. Gameplay is similar to Ogame.
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New White Listed Private DayZ Server - At the moment the pop is low due to the server being new and being white listed. I am pushing to get a lot more players on the server. Tired of hackers? Annoying players? This is a great time to get looted up!!
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Join the wonderful world of Zyperax Space. 2 Universes in German and International are waiting for you to explore and conquer! Raise to the top and be the Conquerer of Zyperax!
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Blizzlike, WOTLK, Advanced Rates, Skills unlimited, Advanced website features and integration, Voting, Rewards, Claims, Fully working instances and raids. Tons of custom fixes and premium working content.
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a free to play text based PvP browser game. The game is combat oriented and enriched by a deep character development system, spell research system, and loot system. This game is a skill based game that relies on the player to sculpt their character.
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El mejor server de ogame que jamas exisitio! rates 5 veces mas que el Server oficial! con solo una regla!.... Conquistar el UNIVERSO! Podes obtenet 1 millón de Materia Oscura solo invitando amigos!
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we have just set up a vanilla rust legacy server and looking for active people to populate the server to birng it up the list for more people to join. the only addons are the regular anti-cheats, sleepover and Remove. i am one of 2 current admins.
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Play on a server with no admin abuse and no glitching allowed! Admins are fair game - treat us like you would any other player. We have Mumble & will make a channel for your group/clan if you so desire.
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LordCraft is a place for every developer and GFX artist, we have friendly Moderators & ready to help you. we have allot of releases and many sections, as we call this GENERAL FORUM but our main goal is Development and graphics. Join us today! You won't be dissapointed.
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Unizor is games like ogame\r\nx8 game speed\r\nx8 floats\r\nx10 resources\r\nJoin us NOW !
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Naughty-WoW Private Server 3.3.5 WOTLK 1000+ Players Online 1 REALMS, blizzlike with custom reward. ALL new patch Items and Instances, Custom Tiers and Weapons, Great development team, stable realms, Scripted Instances (if needed), Helpful GM, fixing Bugs in-game, starting gear T7 and more
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Ultra Hyperspeed Server!! New Beginners Receiver 5M Dark matter
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Deltawar è un gioco di strategia ambientato nello spazio, nel quale migliaia di giocatori da tutto il mondo competono tra di loro per conquistare l'universo.Inizia la tua avventura, con un solo mondo non ancora sviluppato e trasformalo in un fiorente impero capace di difendere le colonie conquistate
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Hola este es un servidor español con recursos*9999999, flotas*9999999 defensas*9999999 y es muy fácil conseguir materia oscura
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Najlepsza gra w sieci. Radio z dużą iloscią stacji do słuchania. Każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie. Zapraszam.
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cool server with good rates
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Berichte ueber Games von A-Z, Neuheiten, Releases, Artikel - die es verdienen kommentiert zu werden. Die GamersCentral Community kurz GC, bietet eine Vielzahl an Moeglichkeiten der Kommunikation uebereinander. Und ist eine täglich wachsende Community - mit dem Ziel, Gamer miteinander zu verbinden. W
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137 MonsterMMORPG is a free to play one of the best addicting games. It is a free online mmorpg game which is better than pokemon online games. If you like pokemon or looking addicting games monstermmorpg is the game you are looking for.
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Ocrack offers you the chance to test your skills against thousands of players across the world. Come join other Ocrack addicts in this bug free universe. Many features to enhance game play. Weekly events with big bonuses for active players. Long lasting site with great support.
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Vitesse de jeu: 300 Vitesse flotte: 50 Vitesse ressources: 300
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Level 255, Instant 80 Realm, Over 6000K damage, Custom items/DualSpec/Vehicles, Custom Instances/Teleporter, PvP KillStreak/Anti-Cheat system, Malls, Working Battlegrounds/Arenas, Vote\Donor Rewards, Pro staff, Very Stable, New Race-Class Combinations, JOIN NOW!
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We offer only High Speed games so getting bored of all that waiting we have the game for u ! Biggest Battles Insane Resources and High Building and Tech Levels. So You Like Speed Join us Today !!
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Earth has become an outlaw world after a nuclear crisis. Now all it remains are a few cities, trying to group up, this is now a wild world. Can you stand for it?
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Deutschsprachiger OGame Server Gamespeed 9800 Flottenspeed 30 Rohstoffspeed 600 Energie-Factor 30 Spezial Event MOD Gegenangriff-EVENT Planeten-EVENT Trümmerfeld-EVENT Noobschutz bis 100000 Punkte Find TF Mod Lottery Mod
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Werde jetzt ein SpaceFighter und kämpfe mit in einer Welt, welche durch Krieg und Macht vollkommen zerstört ist. Werde Herrscher eines kleinen Planeten,baue ihn auf, und werde zu einer Großmacht. Bildet eine Allianz oder kämpft einzeln für den Weltraum. Werde jetzt auch ein SpaceFighter !
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Nouveau jeu intergalactique avec 2 univers!
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Battle of the Immortals: Odins Wrath x75 Exp & x150 Drop Great support & lots of events Always up to date with Official Many Years Strong Network Join Now and Join the Best
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We are on 3.3.5a patch, , 255 is the level cap, High rates (XP, Gold, Drop), Many custom instances, Cool Leveling Roads,1000+ Custom Items, PVP and Non-PVE malls, 12 milion damage with well balanced classes! custom events. custom items, custom quest well all for you to have a lot of fun
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Welcome to our 24/7 based TOP v2.0 server. 15 x Solo-EXP,20 x Party-Exp,15 x Drop-,Rate50 x Growth-Rate.No lagg ,great amount of bosses,unique items,great events with unique prizes,great staff members,unseal 85-95,unseal rings,lots of pvp maps and costum areas.guildwars, rebirth, kal exchanger and
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Strategická hra v reálném čase. Hrajete s mnoha reálnými hráči. Nic nemusíte stahovat, hrajete pouze ve svém webovém prohlížeči! Registrace je zdarma
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Hottest colection of Mario and Super Mario games free to play !
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Travianspeed (Free Game)rnSpeed Server 50X,100X,10000XrnBonus First Person : 10 USD
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Gradual Content Release | Progressive Blizzlike PvE/PvP | High leveling rates | Stable & Reliable Trinity Core 3.3.5 | Professionally managed and developed, lag free realms
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Web Based War Game Copyright © 2012 Galaxy Warz, All Rights Reserved. Galaxy Warz uses code provided by 2Moons DISCLAIMER: GALAXY WARZ MAKES NO CLAIM OF OWNERSHIP OVER GAMEFORGE, OGAME, OR 2MOONS!
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Best racing games news, videos, reviews and downloads.
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Inter-War is free browser game style Ogame . This is the best uGamela and Xnova on the web! Craving to be a stellar emperor, you are a good strategist, want to conquer new planets, galaxies, eliminate other enemies and be at the forefront of star players - sign up.
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Well Established Game with Astonishing Entertainment. Gain 5 million levels, explore 1 million places, defeat creatures/beasts for gold/items, do quests, buy equipment, chat/trade with other players!
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Servidor Privado Ogame Español. Super facil, flotas, defensas, recursos, MATERIA OSCURA x999 y gratis. Entra y diviertete....
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WotlK 3.3.5a Rate 1x / Cata 4.3.4 Rate 1x / MoP 5.1.0 Rate 1x / Blizzlike / Schneller Support / VoteShop / Eigene Events / Wöchentliche Server & Core updates / Aktive Community / Bugtracker / Chartransfer
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New Server for Epic Battles. Resources:x9999% Speed:x9999% Fleet Speed:x999% FIRST 20 PLAYERS TO JOIN will be rewarded with 50 SUPERNOVAS and 1.000.000 Dark Matter. Join the most dangerous battlefield of all times, now!
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